Books I’ve Read

My notes on some of the books that I’ve read. In each book’s page, I summarize how I’m currently applying it in my routines. I update this page regularly. Inspired by Derek Sivers.

Cover of How to Read a Book

How to Read a Book

by Mortimer J. Adler, Charles Van Doren

You know how when you buy a book and you open it to page one and start reading until you’re done? Well, you’re missing out on a much richer and more enlightening reading experience. There’s a better way.

Inspectional Reading: My favorite thing... read more.

Cover of Internal Time

Internal Time

by Till Roenneberg

I started a sabbatical recently and I quickly noticed that without an alarm, I started to go to bed progressively later. Now I go to bed at around 4 and I get up at around noon. I’m not sleeping more, it’s just that the schedule shifted. It feels wonderful and... read more.

Cover of On Writing Well

On Writing Well

by William Zinsser

I regret not writing about my past experiences, projects and adventures. I’ve started changing that recently. I’m reading this in order to improve my writing as I go along. [WIP]

read more.

Cover of Unlimited Memory

Unlimited Memory

by Kevin Horsley

Since high school, I had been memorizing by rote repetition. It turns out that that’s the least effective way to memorize. Our mind is setup to memorize differently. This books showed me how.

Some parts are written in the first person because I’m using this as a workbook and taking... read more.

Cover of Useful Not True

Useful Not True

by Derek Sivers

Belief generates emotion which generates action1, but what you believe is not true. Adopt a useful belief that generates the emotion which impels the action that you need now to reach your ultimate destination.

Your actions are what define you. Nothing else does. Not what... read more.