I couldn’t get access to a scale in time before leaving, so I have no idea how much it weighed.

Items 1 through 7 are packed in that order where Tent goes in first. This seemed like the most comfortable setup. At first I tried sleeping bag first, but that created a bottom bulge that made it very uncomfortable. I should experiment with this some more.

Some modifications I would do:

  • Pack a sponge to wash stuff
  • Replace hand soap with dish soap since dish soap is stronger and can be used for both.
  • Add chapstick. It’s very windy there.
  • Condiments like onion pouder should be sealed better. My pack smells like onions now.
  • Buy:
    • Another collapsibile water bottle, probably 2L
    • Convertible, lightweight pants
    • Lightweight binoculars
    • Big Agnes footprint. I’m using a heavier alternative currently.
  1. Tent
  2. Tent footprint
  3. Clothes not wearing
    • 1p socks
    • 1p underwear
    • 1 t-shirt
    • 1 shorts
    • pajama t-shirt 1
    • Lightweight jacket
  4. Food bag with food & snacks for 1 night and two days 2
    • 3 Ramen
    • 2 tuna
    • 1 cup of pasta
    • 2 cups of cornflakes
    • Coffee
    • Teas
    • Soap
    • Salt & pepper shaker
    • Utensils 3
    • Olive oil
    • 3 bags of trail mix
  5. Cooking pot contains:
    • stove
    • lighters
    • aluminum shields
  6. Sleeping pad4
  7. Sleeping bag5
  8. Inflatable pillow
  9. Day pack
  10. Stove fuel
  11. Water filter system
  12. Toiletries:
    • Toothpaste
    • Tooth brush
    • Toilet paper
    • Trash bag for rain and one for trash
    • Deodorant
    • Sunscreen
    • Bug spray
  13. 2 1.5L water bottles
  14. Light weight towel
  15. Lantern
  16. Headlamp
  17. Compass
  18. Whistle
  19. Morakniv knife
  20. Bug net
  21. Sunglasses
  22. iPhone and cables for phone, headlight and lamp
  23. first aid kit
  24. Battery pack
  25. Reading glasses 6
  26. Hat
  27. Trekking poles
  28. Chair
  29. Kindle
On the way back
  1. I slept in my underwear and extra t-shirt. Didn’t need pajama t-shirt. 

  2. On the first day, I ate breakfast at the gas station, trail mix on the trek, and 1 Ramen for dinner at camp. The next day, I had cornflakes for breakfast and trail mix on the way down to camp (I left at 9am). If I had done a hike that morning, I would have probably ate a cup of pasta or tuna or another Ramen. I overpacked a lot of food because I assumed on the first day that I would have 3 meals and on the following day as well. But the staff informed me that I should leave camp early to make it and checkout before they close to note me as “safely returned”. Plan food better next time because it adds a lot of weight. 

  3. I should not have taken knife since I had the Morakniv anyway. 

  4. Learn how to fix this pad in case of punctures. It came with tools to fix. It’s curcial in rought terrain. 

  5. Study its features. Body was warm, but feet felt cold had to wear socks. Temp wasn’t below 0 and this is 20F certified. 

  6. I can read without them. Shouldn’t have taken them.