Notes can’t do this section justice. Reread the whole thing when needed.
No choice is the best in itself. A choice becomes the best when you chose it.
Explorer vs. Leader modes. When making a change in your life or your mind, you start by exploring. You take in tons of information, and keep searching for different perspectives. Eventually, you don’t need more information or time. You’ve found some good options. You need to decide. You need to switch from explorer to leader — to leading yourself.
Remember the queen’s explorer and the queen’s leader.
Stop considering other viewpoints. Stop changing the course. Pick a destination and cut off other options. “Here’s where I’m going. Here’s why. Here’s how. Let’s go.”
If you keep giving it new information, it will never finish its job. It has to start over.
People who tell me they are lost and running in circles have one thing in common: They say they keep listening to podcasts, reading books, watching videos, doing courses — taking in more and more information — and still don’t know what to do.
Private journal to:
- Strengthen the idea
- Clarify it
- Plan it
- Picture it
- Prepare for setbacks
Talk to your friends to solidify it. We know ourselves through others. If people say you have nice eyes, then you must have nice eyes.
Your choice is always going to be wrong. It’s not for them, or anyone else. It’s not even for your future or past. It’s only for you, and only for now.
Act right away. Taking action tests your thought in reality. For descructive decisions sleep on it for a while, but for everything else, take the first step immediately, without hesitation. Start momentum.
Don’t be discouraged when you get off course. A big benefit of keeping a journal is that you can go back and review it, to remind yourself what you’re doing and why. You have to tune a guitar everytime your play it.
You are your actions. Your actions are you. Your self-image doesn’t matter as much. When you realize what you need to do, it doesn’t mean that’s who you need to be. You can just pretend. Doing is being.